Public Relations

Our Chicago PR agency has helped many nonprofits tell their stories and attract donors and stakeholders. As former journalists, we create strategies and tactics, and then write newsworthy press releases that serve as the foundation of our media relationships.

Leana NBC5 copy
Nonprofit Event PR

We’ve led PR programs for many nonprofit annual events. Clients engage early in the planning process to develop compelling themes and camera-ready visuals to bring their missions and visions to life.  

Breedlove on WGN Daytime Chicago (1)
Local & National Media Relations

We’re an award-winning Chicago PR agency serving nonprofits making local and national news.  We have deep media relationships because reporters trust us to get the sources and info they need on deadline.

  • "I'm floored -- absolutely floored -- by what you've accomplished for us in just six weeks. You've done more for us than our New York firm achieved in an entire year."
    - Senior PR & Communications Manager, Large Trade Association

We are one of the most trusted PR agencies in Chicago serving nonprofit clients.

Current and past clients include Communities In Schools of Chicago, The International Housewares Association, Ada S. McKinley Community Services, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, Carole Robertson Center, Chicago Dental Society, Restoration Ministries, American Brain Foundation, The Trust for Public Land,  YMCA Metro Chicago, Turnaround Management Association, Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago and many others!

If you need  help making news, call us!

Learn More

Meet Michelle Damico

When it comes to changing the world, nonprofits lead the way. That’s why Michelle Damico’s team loves working with them. Plus, we get deep fulfillment helping nonprofits create uplifting stories that tug at people’s hearts and generate results.

Since 2010, our PR firm has helped clients make news in major outlets like The New York TimesWashington PostNPRCBS Mornings among others.  We also have deep relations with local media, helping clients make headlines in Chicago and other U.S. markets.

Michelle Speaking Michelle Speaking

Nonprofit PR Services

  • Communications Audit
  • Strategy Development
  • Media Research
  • Writing Press Releases, Speeches, OpEds, Bylines, Case Studies, Blogs, Social Media posts
  • Media Relations
  • Message Development
  • Interview Training
Streetwise Brainstorm 2 Streetwise Brainstorm 2

Let's Schedule a PR Consultation!

Let’s schedule a call to learn how our PR agency can help you attract new clients, program participants, donors, or partners.

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